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Tribute To P Ramlee
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Name: June Ng
Location: Kuala Lumpur
Message: I just saw a biography of his life on History Channel today and it moved me to tears that such a talented human being was never recognised for his contribution to the Malaysian film industry whilst he was alive. I enjoyed his movies when I was a kid and am reintroducing them to my kids . To you P Ramlee ...you will live forever in your films and songs that you left behind as a legacy to Malaysians, Singaporeans and all other Asians who have seen your genius!
Name: Fachri
Location: Indonesia
Message: Seniman besar Malaysia yang dikenang sepanjang masa
Name: Romdloni
Location: Indonesia
Message: I am very interested in the film by P. Ramlee. I've seen the film by P Ramlee di sebuah private TV stations with Seniman Bujang Lapok title. I think the film is indeed one of the great works of P Ramlee. I want to collect the film. Where can I get the film in DVD or VCD for free? I would be very grateful if there are parties who want to help me to get the film on DVD or VCD free or files that I can download it for free. For their help and attention you delivered thank you
Name: Perot aMaS
Location: Singapore
Message: Meski pun beliau disanjungi setelah pemergiannya. Namun liku hidupnya terutama Saat Saat akhir kehidupannya penuh dengan cabaran. Dipulaukan, diekploitasi dan sebagai. Mungkin ini ditonjolkan dalam filem Nya sebagai kritis sosial untuk direnungi bersama.
Name: M.Ganesh
Location: Kandy, Sri Lanka
Message: Our respected multi talented highly welcomed by all races in Malaysia. He is a true jewel in the history of mankind to bring all people to have harmony in society. All his acts have a touching and powerful message for our multi cultural and practical society. I remember in my village kampong in Ulu Kinta, all were trilled watching his moviews on Friday evenings and we discuss them in school on Monday mornings. I specially recommend that all his films be taken for researched for all the powerful messages for humanity. He has covered all aspects from superstitions to nature of society and ignorance. His soul now should be continuing to bring harmony somewhere.
Name: Kamarulpro
Location: Johor Bahru
Message: Tiada penganti
Name: rosmanira
Location: malaysia
Message: p.ramlee susah mencari pengantinya
Name: kelopak salak...
Location: k.l
Message: wish u were here....
Name: abang im
Location: kuching
Message: sudah sekian lama aku "menjelajah" nyanyian penyanyi-penyanyi DUNIA dari timur ke barat. dari utara ke selatan... belum ada insan mutakhir BERSUARA MEMUKAU seperti suara P RAMLEE...cuba bagi tau saya...sayang sekali promosinya tidak sehebat promosi ELVIS, ANDY WILLIAM, BEATLES, MOHD RAFI, OM KALTHOUM dan sebagainya...saya katakan TONE SUARA P RAMLEE TERUNGGUL...sik cayak...haaa dengaa semuo lagu penyanyi hebat dunia..compare ngan soro P RAMLEE
Name: fahmi rizal
Location: Indonesia
Message: P. Ramlee merupakan tokoh perfilman yang sangat jarang ditemukan kesamaan karakteristik dan kemampuan serta aktualisasi nyata dalam kehidupan para aktor/aktris saat ini. Terima kasih.
Name: azizah
Location: shah alam
Message: Benar kata Jins Shamsudin. Beliau adalah manusia biasa yg LUAR BIASA. Saya ingin tahu benarkah dikata orang, P. Ramlee didalam keadaan susah bila dia meninggal dunia..? Hanya ada beberapa puluh ringgit saja? Apakah yg terjadi pada anak2nya selain Nasir dan Dian P. Ramlee? Zaza, Arfan, Sazali (dikatakan sgt disayanginya sehingga sebuah lagu ditujukan kpd Sazali?) dan juga Sabarudin. Bolehlah dijejak mereka ini dan bagaimana kehidupan mrk skrg dgn membawa latarbelakang ayah yg sgt istimewa..? Terima kasih.
Name: Marina Hishmah
Location: Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor
Message: Salam. Percaya atau tidak, anak perempuan saya berumur 3 tahun amat suka pada fiem-filem P. Ramlee. Jika ada filem P. Ramlee di kaca TV, dia akan memilih untuk tonton filem P. Ramlee daripada cerita kartun yang selalunya menjadi kegemaran kanak-kanak seusia dia. Kini, dia minta saya bawa dia ke rumah Allahyarham P. Ramlee. Yang menyedihkan saya nanti, anak yang baru berusia 3 tahun tidak faham bahawa P. Ramlee sudah tiada. Walaubagaimanapun, InsyaAllah saya akan bawa dia ke rumah Allahyarham P. Ramlee. Al Fatihah...
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